Home Page Elmbridge Primary School

Year 5

Year 5 Team

 The Year 5 Team  


Class 13 - Ms Richards

Class 14 - Mr Jones and Miss Spencer

Class 15 - Mrs Griffin and Miss Hawkins


TAs  - Mrs Morris & Mrs Kerr 

SEN Support - Mrs Kerr and Mrs Faulks 

To contact the Year 5 team please email the school office on

PE and Games


Please ensure that your child has named PE kit in school for the relevant sessions (black shorts, plain red t-shirt, plain red or black jumper, black tracksuit bottoms and trainers).

Indoor P.E - Monday (all classes)

Outdoor P.E. - Wednesday (all classes)



Children will be given a piece of maths homework on a Thursday to be completed by the following Wednesday. The maths homework will alternate weekly between paper-based and practical.



Each Thursday the children will be tested on their spellings. We expect children to practise the weekly spelling words using 'look, cover, write, check' . Your child should then choose three of their spelling words and write out the definition for each word. Finally, they need to chose three words and write three separate sentences that incorporate one of the chosen words.



Children will be given a piece of grammar homework every other Thursday to be completed by the following Wednesday. 



It is expected that the children will read at least three times per week at home (as agreed in the home school agreement) and that it is recorded by parents/careers in the planner.  Staff will check the planners on a weekly basis to monitor reading at home. Dojos will be awarded for home reading.
