Home Page Elmbridge Primary School

Curriculum Intent


Elmbridge Primary School’s Curriculum Intent



  • The Elmbridge curriculum will evolve to reflect the knowledge and skills needed for life in the 21st Century. 
  • Pupils will be confident to embrace the next stage of their learning. 
  • Pupils will have enquiring minds, be independent and resilient. 
  • Pupils will value the importance of reading and communicate ideas effectively. 
  • Staff and pupils will know how to look after their physical and mental health. 
  • Staff and pupils will show respect, tolerance and compassion for each other. 



Threaded through our curriculum intent are our 3 school rules, where we want our children to be:


‘Ready’ - Ready for learning, ready to listen, ready to go to lunch/come back in the classroom etc.

‘Respectful’ - Showing respect to their peers, to adults, to their environment, to themselves.

‘Safe’ - Safe in their learning environment, safe with the people around them and safe in the activities in which they are taking part, including online.


Elmbridge Curriculum: Subject Intent Statements
