Home Page Elmbridge Primary School



Regular attendance at school is essential for pupils to get the most out of their school experience, including their attainment, well-being and wider life chances. The expectation for ALL our pupils is that they:


  1. Attend regularly
  2. Be punctual
  3. Be ready to learn


  • The definition of ‘regularly’ is every time the school is open.
  • Children should attend school unless they are genuinely too ill to attend, or have the absence authorised by the head teacher.
  • Parents and carers should only ask for a leave of absence from school in exceptional circumstances; these are defined as those that are rare, significant, unavoidable and short.
  • The school will inform parents of their children’s absence throughout the academic year and provide support to help remove barriers to regular attendance.
  • Pupils whose attendance falls below 90% are persistently absent; this equates to missing 20 or more days per academic year. This level of absence will affect both their learning and academic well-being. Support will be put in place for pupils at risk of being persistently absent.
  • Pupils who are regularly late miss learning time and disrupt the start of the day for both themselves, their peers and the teachers. All pupils should aim to be onsite at or before 8:45.





Number of missed days



Attendance is 99% or higher


Up to 7 days

Very few learning opportunities are missed


Attendance is above 96%


Up to 13 days

Some learning is missed, but pupil should be able to catch up

Room for Improvement

Attendance is below 96%


Up to 19 days

Absence will begin to  have a negative effect on pupils learning and well-being

Cause for Concern


Attendance is below 90%

More than 20 days

Absence will have a significant negative effect on pupils learning and well being


The table above shows the levels of attendance, and what this means for the pupil. More more information, please see the attendance policy under the school policies tab.

Attendance Matters Newsletter
