Home Page Elmbridge Primary School

Year 4

 The Year 4 Team 


Class 10 - Mrs Toppin (Team Leader) and Mrs Bradford

Class 11 - Mr Reid

Class 12 - Miss Bell


TA's - Mrs Womersley, Mrs Mansuri and Mr Barnett

SEND Support - Mrs Grainger and Mrs Cummings

PPA staff - Mrs Bradford, Mrs Howard, Mr Barnett and Miss Hawkins

To contact the Year 4 team please email the school office on

Year 4 Team

The Year 4 team would like to welcome you back to school.  We are really looking forward to working with your children this year.  If you need to talk to a member of the Year 4 team please get in touch with them via the admin email address or speak to them at the end of the day, either in person or by phone. Please note that staff will check and reply to emails during school hours.


We will regularly update this page with Y4 information, including our termly curriculum maps. Please do visit the Y4 Gallery page to see the fun we have been having in school. 


Please make sure that your child has the appropriate PE kit in school at all times. They should have black shorts and a red t-shirt for indoor PE. If there is cold weather, children can wear jogging bottoms instead. Children need to remove earrings for PE sessions.




Curriculum Overviews


Click here for curriculum overviews for each term.


The children will be set homework on a Friday to be completed and handed in by the following Friday.


Maths homework will either be Times Table Rockstars or a paper-based activity. Usually, these will alternate.  


Each week, the children will be given the spelling words for that week. We expect children to write out each words on the sheet; write the definition for 3 of the words and then write some of the words in sentences. 


It is expected that the children will read at least three times per week at home and that it is recorded by an adult in the reading diary.  Staff will check the diaries on a weekly basis to monitor reading at home. Certificates will be awarded for home reading.
