Home Page Elmbridge Primary School

Year 3

The Year 3 Team

 The Year 3 Team  


Class 7 - Mrs Radford and Mrs Holl


Class 8 - Mrs Petticrew, Mrs McNulty and Mrs Mansuri


Class 9 - Mr Hounsell and Mrs Coughlan


PPA - Mrs McNulty, Mrs Howard, Mrs Williams and Mrs Hieron


SEN Support - Mrs Fyfe, Mrs Cummings and Mrs Spring



To contact the Year 3 team please email the school office on

Welcome to Year 3

Curriculum Overviews


Click here for curriculum overviews for each term.

P.E. Kit

Each class has two sessions a week requiring kit for indoor or outdoor use. Children need black shorts, a red t-shirt and a pair of trainers. During outdoor P.E. lessons, children may need warmer clothes as the weather becomes cooler, so we ask for a plain dark pair of joggers and a zip up jumper. For safety reasons long hair needs to be tied back and earrings need to be removed, apart from in the first twelve weeks of having pierced ears.

Each class has sport on the following days unless the class are taking part in their block of swimming lessons:


ClassOutdoor GamesIndoor PE



Additional Resources and Activities