Home Page Elmbridge Primary School

Year 2

The Year 2 Team

 The Year 2 Team 


Class 4 - Mrs Care and Mrs Slack

Class 5 - Mrs Wiggins and Mr Reid 

Class 6 - Miss Marsh 


Teaching Assistants - Mrs Gorrett, Mrs Heath, Miss Taylor & Mrs Wisbey

SEN Support - Mrs Gorrett & Miss Taylor



To contact the Year 2 team please email the school office on

Curriculum Overviews


Click here for curriculum overviews for each term.



Please make sure that your child has the appropriate PE kit in school. They should have black shorts and a red t-shirt for indoor PE. Children should have sturdy trainers for outdoor PE. If there is cold weather children can wear jogging bottoms instead and a black jumper or hoody. Please ensure that all PE kit is labelled. Thank you.


Class 4TuesdayThursday
Class 5Tuesday Thursday
Class 6TuesdayThursday





 SubjectDue InOngoing
Monday  Reading and spelling
Tuesday  Reading and spelling
Wednesday  Reading and spelling
ThursdayMathsFollowing WednesdayReading and spelling
FridaySpellingFridayReading and spelling


Please note:

Reading -  to be done everyday. Children will be given a certificate for different reading totals.

Maths Resources


Times Table Grand Prix


Hit the Button

Why not try some of these fun activities in and around Gloucester?

1. Take part in a junior park run.

2. Climb Robinswood Hill. Look for evidence of living creatures.

3. Visit your local library.

4. Visit the cathedral and complete the trail.

5. Go on a history hunt. Which are the oldest buildings in Gloucester? The newest? How do you know?

6. Buy the ingredients and make a simple, healthy lunch.

7. See the Severn bore.

8. Make a video sharing a hobby you have.

9. Draw a portrait of a family member.


Share your results with us on Tapestry.
